I’m delighted to have Casey Jourdan joining me as our guest for this week. Casey is a business strategist extraordinaire. She works with entrepreneurs and solopreneurs as they navigate getting their businesses up and running, and helps them navigate the overwhelm that often comes with the first few years of business. It's a real treat to have a conversation with Casey on change, and the pursuit of evolution. The host of “Steady She Grows” podcast, Casey's done some really interesting work around the pursuit of evolution and how change is a part of everything that we do.
In this episode, Casey Jourdan and I talk about:
-Her early sparks of joy: teaching others
-Creating various iterations of her business as a multipassionate
-Evolution as a practice
-The difference between evolution and growth
-How her religious beliefs changed and shifted after coming home from the Iraq War
-Progress and baby steps living with PTSD
-Navigating the first few years of business and why so many businesses fail
-How to jump start joy in your life: be nice and kind to others, find out what fires you up and go try it, set and observe boundaries.
Casey Jourdan’s Website
Steady She Grows Podcast
Casey on Instagram
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Inspired by my discussion with Laura Li of Quietly Bohemian, and her love of Depeche Mode, this 3 Joyful Things episode looks at how you can slow down, and very intentionally take time to immerse yourself in whatever brings you joy. Let's take a look at the inspiration, intention, and action that you can take to be more present in joyful moments.
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Spotify List: Planning Your Year
Laura Li in Episode 222 on Jump Start Your Joy
Laura Li’s podcast, Quietly Bohemian
U2: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
U2: Where the Streets Have No Name
In this episode, Laura Li and I talk about:
-Winning a reading competition as a child as her earliest spark of joy.
-She enjoys reading and the magic that lyrics and words to bring to the world, how to support introverts and highly sensitive people.
-What “Quietly Bohemian” means to her and why she chose it for her podcast name
-How to develop an inside out understanding of life inspiration
-Transformation as explained through Depeche Mode as understood by the lyrics of Martin Gore
-British Synth Pop: Depeche Mode, OMD, and more
-What the labels that society puts on each of us mean
-How to start a podcast
-How to be guided by your inner wisdom, and not your inner critic.
-What it means to dance in between fear and excitement
-How to jump start your joy: listening to music, really embodying what it feels like to spending alone time and allowing yourself to be seen and understanding the freedom and lightness of being seen because it is a choice of being oneself.
Laura Li’s Website: Quietly Bohemian
Quietly Bohemian Podcast on Spotify
Laura’s upcoming class for planning your 2020 - Creating for the Masses
Spotify List: Planning Your Year
Planing and intention setting for a new year - You'll hear how to take inspiration, set an intention to be more present and mindful, and take action with a centering meditation and journaling exercise.
Spotify List: Planning Your Year
Byron Katie: Loving What is on Amazon
Jennifer Louden Episode on Jump Start Your Joy
Centering Prayer on Insight Timer