I share my aha moments about how to make lasting change in your life without getting overwhelmed. How can you take what inspires you, and make it work for you?
Episode 219: Flylady Marla Cilley on How Form Habits and Routines to Create More Joy In Your Life
Episode 18: Flylady Marla Cilley on Finally Loving Yourself
Episode 19: Flylady Marla Cilley on “Finding Joy in Everything You Do”
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How do you embrace change, when everything feels like everything has turned on it's head? In this short episode, Paula talks about the inspiration, intention, and action you can take to find calm in the storm.
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Marketing yourself or your small business is a journey. In this episode, I'm focusing on what happens when you talk about what makes you unique, as inspired by Taylor Swift's journey as seen in Netflix's Miss Americana.
Action: Look at your social media feeds. Look at what you’re sharing. Look at the pictures you’re posting. And get honest with yourself.
What are you sharing because it’s expected?
What language are you using because it’s a turn of phrase that’s popular right now?
What images are you posting to keep up with an image of what’s expected or cool?
Where are you censoring yourself, and why?
On the flip of it, notice what you’re sharing that feels like you, to the core.
What are you saying that you want to say more of?
What in your social media brings you joy and highlights the things you love about yourself and your life?
And, where have you been hiding out and wanting to say something, but you’ve been quiet because of an external expectation?
Tune in to Miss Americana on Netflix.
Listen to Episode 234 (Six Ways to Make Marketing More Joyful) by clicking here.
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Marketing your small business doesn't have to feel gross, or like an effort or hustle. This week I'm sharing the inspiration I found in my conversation with Suzie Soloviev, and sharing how you can look to your past to find your joyful through line, now.
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the Inspiration this week is to look at your life from a place of wonder. If you drop the accolades and list of things you’ve accomplished (which are all amazing, btw!), how would you introduce yourself to someone else? If you look at what you love and what lights you up, how do you define yourself?
Intention: I will start to notice how I see myself. I will notice when I identify with accolades and degrees, and I will notice when I see myself as the things I’m passionate about, that bring me joy. I will look for and uncover those things if it seems like I can’t remember what they are.
Action: On a sheet of paper, take 5 minutes and list out the top 5 things that you loved doing and being in these age ranges:
Ages 1-5 (or your earliest memories)
Ages 5-10 (this is early elementary school)
Ages 10-20 (think about middle school and high school)
Ages 20-30 (college, and a lot of “adulting” firsts happen in this range)
30 and after (adult life, with it’s shifts. Also, feel free to add in 30-40, 40-50 if you like. I’m not suggesting that life remains static after 30. I might also add in “Life after having a kid”)
Take a look, after you’ve made your list, and look for patterns. Was interacting with people a major part of your life? How about planning or leading? Creativity?
Now, I want you to look at your current life and see if the major through lines are still present.
This is your story, your narrative, something you love. Can you craft a new bio or a new description of yourself that involves what you found, above?
And, would you consider using that description the next time someone asks what you do?
Marketing is the focus this month, and I'm taking a look at the inspiration from Lisa Princic of Scaling Deep. Learn how to make marketing more joyful and fun, based on who you are, and your personality.
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Take the Myers-Briggs personality indicator test.
Lisa Princic’s Website: Scaling Deep
Lisa’s podcast: Scaling Deep
How do you set yourself up for personal, heartfelt, meaningful success for a new year? I'm inspired by the words of Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh and Kate Courageous this week, as I look back on "How to Plan Your Year" month.
When I first heard Dr. Ezzie Spencer on another podcast back in 2017, I knew I had to talk to her. She’s the author of Lunar Abundance, and she’s defined a framework for creating a natural balance in your life that is all based on the moon, it’s cycles and phases. Now, before you shut this email thinking this is some new-fangled out-there hippy talk (this would be exactly why I’d keep reading, but, to each their own) … keep reading because there’s some big aha moments ahead.
One of the things that Ezzie talks about, and that feels like a missing piece of my life’s puzzle was that the moon has two different kinds of cycles: those with “doing” or Yang cycles that have a more masculine quality, and those cycles that are Yang, or “being” and have more feminine qualities. And the moon goes through four of each of those cycles every month.
Action: The marriage of being and doing: and there are a couple of ways to try this out.
Starting tomorrow, we hit the first new moon of the year and you could try out Ezzie’s Lunar Abundance approach. I love the structure and process that she’s set out.
If that seems like a bit much for you right now, allow yourself to be inspired by the idea of following the phases of the moon and build in down time to your day, your week, and your month. Where can you mindfully note that you might like a break? For example, my coach, Jennifer Lee, sets aside Fridays for creative time. I’ve started blocking off Wednesdays for myself so I know I have a breather in the middle of the week. Where can you block off some time to rest?
Lunar Abundance: Cultivating More Joy, Peace, and Purpose Using the Phases of the Moon
Dr. Ezzie Spencer on The Lively Show Episode 212
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Let's look at laying a strong foundation in your life, and take inspiration from how coach Casey Jourdan defines change and evolution. This time of year is a great chance to look at what still fits and works in your life, and what it's time to let go of.
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Inspired by my discussion with Laura Li of Quietly Bohemian, and her love of Depeche Mode, this 3 Joyful Things episode looks at how you can slow down, and very intentionally take time to immerse yourself in whatever brings you joy. Let's take a look at the inspiration, intention, and action that you can take to be more present in joyful moments.
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Spotify List: Planning Your Year
Laura Li in Episode 222 on Jump Start Your Joy
Laura Li’s podcast, Quietly Bohemian
U2: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
U2: Where the Streets Have No Name
Planing and intention setting for a new year - You'll hear how to take inspiration, set an intention to be more present and mindful, and take action with a centering meditation and journaling exercise.
Spotify List: Planning Your Year
Byron Katie: Loving What is on Amazon
Jennifer Louden Episode on Jump Start Your Joy
Centering Prayer on Insight Timer
I share my aha moments about how to make lasting change in your life without getting overwhelmed. How can you take what inspires you, and make it work for you?
Episode 219: Flylady Marla Cilley on How Form Habits and Routines to Create More Joy In Your Life
Episode 18: Flylady Marla Cilley on Finally Loving Yourself
Episode 19: Flylady Marla Cilley on “Finding Joy in Everything You Do”
Sign up for the newsletter to receive these episodes in your inbox each week.
The launch of 3 joyful things! Paula takes a look at how you can bring Jennifer Louden's idea of living a "human scaled life" into your everyday by unpacking the inspiration, intention, and action and steps to follow so you can give it a try.