Tabitha Marie is the amazing and loving founder of "Random Acts of Luvmail," a family run organization that provides mail and goodie bags to children who are in the hospital or need to be uplifted for any reason. Tabitha started the organization in 2007 and it has moved from New Orleans to San Antonio, Texas, where she and her sister and daughter work together to create, package, and send Luvmail to three hospitals and across the country via mail. I really loved speaking with Tabitha - her inspiring story and loving way of spreading encouragement and positivity are so welcoming. I know that you will feel rejuvenated just from hearing her explain her outlook and passion for Luvmail and the children she serves.
What I love about Tabitha's work is that it is truly heart centered, and it is simple. She provides Luvmail to children going though difficult times because she wants to encourage them, and their parents, and let them know that someone out there cares about them. She and her sister and daughter intentionally focus on sending items that are flat and can be mailed, so they can maximize the number of children they reach. The simplicity is striking: spreading joy can be as easy as sending a letter, and by taking a few extra moments to reach out to others. You can help her organization by visiting thePayPal Me site for Random Acts of Luvmail (to make a donation)
In our discussion, Tabitha also talks about how running her organization has become easier, and more focused, as she's narrowed down the mission. She's gotten closer to God, she's become clear on what she wants, and who Luvmail serves, all of which has come with time, and experience. Her insights here are especially inspiring and re-assuring to anyone starting their own business or tackling a new mission. It can take time to feel comfortable, and time to grow into the role.
I'm so grateful to Tabitha for sharing her story and her insights on the podcast. Thank you, Tabitha!
In this episode, Tabitha shares:
- who Fairie Marie and Faire JoJo are
- how Faire Marie came about as a response to someone being bullied
- where and how Luvmail started
- the decision change how Luvmail operated so they can reach more people
- how it was stressful starting a community on MySpace
- how everything fell into place once Tabitha got clearer on her mission, and closer to God
- insights on how shifting to coming from a place of love has changed everything
- the ways Tabitha takes care of herself - meditation, cooking, and relaxing
- her recent coverage on the local news
- how sometimes just asking for something can make all the difference
- that meeting one of the children in the hospital was the highlight of running Luvmail
- why Tabitha feels you should just go for your dreams (and not let other people's fears get in your way)
Tabitha's blog:
Luvmail Community on Facebook
PayPal Me site for Random Acts of Luvmail (to make a donation)
Tabitha's appearance on the San Antonio news
The post Episode 13: Blessing Children with Random Acts of Luvmail with Tabitha Marie appeared first on Jump Start Your Joy.