This week’s episode is a lookback lesson with Andrea Owen on "How to Stop Feeling Like Shit." This episode originally aired earlier this year, when her second book came out. Andrea Owen is an author, mentor, and certified life coach who helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choose courage and confidence instead. She has helped thousands of women manage their inner-critic to create loving connections and live their most kick-ass life.
I loved this episode because Andrea and I talk about people pleasing, perfecting, approving and performing, and our experience with all of them. What I love is that near the end of this interview, we talk about the myth of having to “be strong” as women, and how that can be both a habit and burden that is not necessarily serving us.
We also talk about:
How to Stop Feeling Like Shit by Andrea Owen (on Amazon)
52 Ways to Live a KickAss Life by Andrea Owen (on Amazon) – her first book
Your Kickass Life – Andrea’s website
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks (on Amazon)