
Jump Start Your Joy®

This vibrant show dives into the inspiration, intention, and actions that bring a positive outlook to life, even in challenging times. Lovingly curated as a retreat from the everyday, each episode invites you to step outside routine and engage with uplifting stories and fresh perspectives. Guided by Henri Nouwen’s reminder that “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day,” the show explores how resilience and purpose can turn ordinary moments into opportunities for joy.
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Now displaying: August, 2018
Aug 28, 2018

This week on the show, let’s talk about some great ways to discover the right time to follow your dreams.


How to discover the right time to follow your dreams:

1. Have Patience
Sometimes, we think we are ready before we are.
What if, behind the scenes, the universe is making that path smooth for you?
What if there is something else you need to learn before you are ready for the next step?
Tune in to the podcast to hear a lot more on this.

2. Trust that the universe is looking out for you
I like to tell a story about my son, when he was 18 months old. He used to be obsessed with extension cords, wanting to chew on them if he found them in the house. We baby-proofed to make sure he didn’t harm himself, and I learned a lot about the human spirit in the process.
There have been plenty of times when I have been upset because I didn’t get what I wanted. Plenty of times when I was obsessed with something, and yet it was kept just out of my reach no matter how hard I tried to get to it.
Is it possible that the universe is looking out for you and me, and that there are things that are kept an arm’s length from us for our own best interest?

3. Try a different angle
If you’ve come up against something that feels impassable, Is there another way you can approach your work, or the dream you’re working on?
Could you begin taking action on a different portion of the work related to your dream?
Action, in the way of taking the next step toward the dream you are working on, is important. If you’ve hit a place where you’re not getting traction on one part of your work, it may be valuable to switch up your approach.
You’ll learn new things, and keep your momentum going.

Want to hear more from my friend Christy Tending?
Want to learn more about Byron Katie? Tune in to Mollie Larkin
Loving What Is by Byron Katie on Audible
The Work by Byron Katie

Aug 21, 2018

Feeling stuck and like you have no momentum sucks. The truth is you will more than likely feel stuck at some point in your life, whether that be in your business or around personal growth, or at a full time job. I often feel it, and find myself questioning if I’m “on the right path,” even four years into the podcast. This week on the podcast, I’m sharing about how I had an aha moment around “How to get Unstuck.”

At a recent conference, I attended a break-out session entitled “How to get Unstuck in Your Business.” My aha moment did not come from the speakers or the info that was being shared in the room, and it’s something I want to share with you, this week on the show.

I went into that room thinking that to be successful or to be well received or to be on the “right” path that I should be further along than I currently am. That I needed to have it all figured out, and that somehow my current situation wasn’t enough.

And then I started thinking. I like having time with my son, while he’s seven. I like having some space to breathe and to think. I love the clients I work with and I love the work I do.

And while it may seem super simple, or overly obvious, and very zen, I decided to ask my own intuition a few questions, and answer these questions in the form of a letter (you can learn more about it from Jess Lively.)

Instead of focusing on this idea that I’m stuck, or if you’re listening, instead of focusing on the idea that YOU are stuck… what if we stop fighting reality of what is, and accept that we are OK right now, just the way you and I are?

What if we change the Story in our head, or, the narrative, from “I’m not far enough along” to “I’m enough right where I am”??

What if instead of “I’m not far enough along,” I say “I’m learning and in the process, and I’m becoming exactly who I dream of being”??

As I was writing this letter, I found my intuition asking me if I was really stuck. I want to share this with you because I feel like it may be helpful for someone out there. Here’s what I wrote:

“There’s wisdom in staying put. In being OK with what is, right this moment. You want more time. The only fear based statement here is the false belief that things will not work out for you. Let that go. Your son is only going to be 7 once, and you want more time with him. This time you have now, it is a blessing.

About your business, there’s only one you. That’s the thing to focus on, and the thing to sell the shit out of. Because there is only one you and your services are valuable. You absolutely won’t find another client you love if you don’t put yourself out there. And there is wisdom in slowing down and letting this time be what it is.”

Here ere are four other ways to get unstuck.

1. Journal it out
Two Questions to Journal On:
So I’ll put that question back out to you. What is the truth of this time for you?
If you are feeling stuck, is it true that you are actually stuck?

2. Have Faith that you are just where you should be, right this second.
One of my mentors, Sister Michelle, used to teach us that “the right people will come, at the right moment, and with the right information.”
What happens if you shift how you view your current situation, and have the faith in the truth that things are happening, at the right time?

3. Do ‘The Work’
One of my favorite ways to work through what Byron Katie calls “painful thoughts” is to go through the steps of doing “The Work.” When you think of the thing or situation that is making you feel stuck, stop and ask yourself:
is it true?
And then you ask, is it really true?
Who am I when I believe this thought?
Who would I be without this thought?
You can learn more about this one at Byron Katie’s site.

4. Take Action and Turn up the Crossfade
Action is the quickest and most direct way to get unstuck. While you may currently be feeling stuck, I’m betting you have taken some steps, somewhere along the way, to start working towards your dream (or business, or personal growth).

One of my past guests, Matt Wood - a sound engineer for Skywalker sound, talked about how having the patience for things is a lot like turning up the cross fade in our life. He explained that the thing that you’re working on starts out at an almost un-perceivable level in your life. You know it’s there but you can’t quite hear it. Then, as time goes on, that thing gets more perceivable in your life. Like music in a cross fade, that thing gets louder, and then you can hear the melody of that thing in your life.
Before long, the crossfade has happened, and whatever dream or thing you’ve been following is now present, really and truly present in your life.

If you want to learn more about this, I have some resources for you:
Want to hear more about Byron Katie? Tune in to Molly Larkin in Episode 10.
More on turning up the crossfade? Matthew Wood in Episode 3.
Discover your accountability type via Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies
Listen to "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie on Audible
A Thousand Words for Joy by Byron Katie on Amazon
Playing Big by Tara Mohr on Amazon
The Work by Byron Katie

Aug 21, 2018

Feeling stuck and like you have no momentum sucks. The truth is you will more than likely feel stuck at some point in your life, whether that be in your business or around personal growth, or at a full time job. I often feel it, and find myself questioning if I’m “on the right path,” even four years into the podcast. This week on the podcast, I’m sharing about how I had an aha moment around “How to get Unstuck.”

At a recent conference, I attended a break-out session entitled “How to get Unstuck in Your Business.” My aha moment did not come from the speakers or the info that was being shared in the room, and it’s something I want to share with you, this week on the show.

I went into that room thinking that to be successful or to be well received or to be on the “right” path that I should be further along than I currently am. That I needed to have it all figured out, and that somehow my current situation wasn’t enough.

And then I started thinking. I like having time with my son, while he’s seven. I like having some space to breathe and to think. I love the clients I work with and I love the work I do.

And while it may seem super simple, or overly obvious, and very zen, I decided to ask my own intuition a few questions, and answer these questions in the form of a letter (you can learn more about it from Jess Lively.)

Instead of focusing on this idea that I’m stuck, or if you’re listening, instead of focusing on the idea that YOU are stuck… what if we stop fighting reality of what is, and accept that we are OK right now, just the way you and I are?

What if we change the Story in our head, or, the narrative, from “I’m not far enough along” to “I’m enough right where I am”??

What if instead of “I’m not far enough along,” I say “I’m learning and in the process, and I’m becoming exactly who I dream of being”??

As I was writing this letter, I found my intuition asking me if I was really stuck. I want to share this with you because I feel like it may be helpful for someone out there. Here’s what I wrote:

“There’s wisdom in staying put. In being OK with what is, right this moment. You want more time. The only fear based statement here is the false belief that things will not work out for you. Let that go. Your son is only going to be 7 once, and you want more time with him. This time you have now, it is a blessing.

About your business, there’s only one you. That’s the thing to focus on, and the thing to sell the shit out of. Because there is only one you and your services are valuable. You absolutely won’t find another client you love if you don’t put yourself out there. And there is wisdom in slowing down and letting this time be what it is.”

Here ere are four other ways to get unstuck.

1. Journal it out
Two Questions to Journal On:
So I’ll put that question back out to you. What is the truth of this time for you?
If you are feeling stuck, is it true that you are actually stuck?

2. Have Faith that you are just where you should be, right this second.
One of my mentors, Sister Michelle, used to teach us that “the right people will come, at the right moment, and with the right information.”
What happens if you shift how you view your current situation, and have the faith in the truth that things are happening, at the right time?

3. Do ‘The Work’
One of my favorite ways to work through what Byron Katie calls “painful thoughts” is to go through the steps of doing “The Work.” When you think of the thing or situation that is making you feel stuck, stop and ask yourself:
is it true?
And then you ask, is it really true?
Who am I when I believe this thought?
Who would I be without this thought?
You can learn more about this one at Byron Katie’s site.

4. Take Action and Turn up the Crossfade
Action is the quickest and most direct way to get unstuck. While you may currently be feeling stuck, I’m betting you have taken some steps, somewhere along the way, to start working towards your dream (or business, or personal growth).

One of my past guests, Matt Wood - a sound engineer for Skywalker sound, talked about how having the patience for things is a lot like turning up the cross fade in our life. He explained that the thing that you’re working on starts out at an almost un-perceivable level in your life. You know it’s there but you can’t quite hear it. Then, as time goes on, that thing gets more perceivable in your life. Like music in a cross fade, that thing gets louder, and then you can hear the melody of that thing in your life.
Before long, the crossfade has happened, and whatever dream or thing you’ve been following is now present, really and truly present in your life.

If you want to learn more about this, I have some resources for you:
Want to hear more about Byron Katie? Tune in to Molly Larkin in Episode 10.
More on turning up the crossfade? Matthew Wood in Episode 3.
Discover your accountability type via Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies
Listen to "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie on Audible
A Thousand Words for Joy by Byron Katie on Amazon
Playing Big by Tara Mohr on Amazon
The Work by Byron Katie

Aug 14, 2018

In this week's solocast, I'm sharing about the profound impact the book "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by Greg Mckeown has had on my life. As a project manager and a life coach, I love that this book is both pragmatic on one level, and very philosophical and inspirational on the other. The two key areas that I focus on in this week's show are:

  1. Doing less, but better - doing the essential few instead of the trivial many
  2. Building in room for down time

I'm sharing about how I've been focusing on doing less, but better, and focusing on the essential few instead of the trivial many.


Purchase "Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less" by Greg Mckeown on Amazon:

Greg McKeown’s speech at Google Talks:

Logan Nickleson in Episode 27 and “Creative Minimalism”:

Michelle Ward on the Friendpreneur Series in Episode on “Right Sizing the Effort”:


Aug 8, 2018

As the host of Mom is in Control, and the amazing “Dying to be a Good Mother” Tedtalk, I’m thrilled to have Heather Chauvin joining me this week to talk all about abundance, ambition, time management, and how she found her way to a career she loves after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Heather is a true inspiration, and I’m delighted to feature her as the last guest for Season 3.

In this episode, Heather and I talk about:

  • Her path from working as a social worker to becoming a coach
  • How researching mindfulness and meditation for her son impacted her life
  • Living as an introvert disguised as an extrovert
  • Working with parents who feel overwhelmed and without resources
  • How to get in touch with your core desired feelings, and why you need to
  • How to make a plan and take action on how you want to feel in your life
  • Parenting from the green zone
  • Being a flexible parent
  • Her podcast, Mom is in Control
  • How to jump start your joy: giving back and being in service to others, Asking what you want, what you crave, and what you desire


Heather Chauvin’s podcast: Mom is in Control
Heather’s website
Time Freedom Challenge – Heather’s freebie mastery program
The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines on Amazon
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert on Amazon